CODEX Utilities is a tool and medium manufacturing brand specializing in equipment specifically crafted for printmakers, designers, artists, and other creative minds. Art supplies are a general staple in stores across the world, so there nothing new about pocket notebooks, rulers, or drawing mediums. However, grade A art supplies aren't always found at your neighborhood grocery store. In addition, options available from higher quality manufacturers can lack visual chemistry as well as daily portability. In this scenario, creatives are left using mismatched equipment in limited environments.
Since the best ideas tend to come when they are least expected, they’re often pushed into the back corners of your mind never to be imagined again. Whether walking down the street to grab a meal or sitting at the bus stop after classes, an explosion of creativity can arise at any time. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were creative materials designed to sync with your workflow wherever you decide to set up shop? With the CODEX utility system, those golden brainstorms can be recorded and organized when and how you need them.
Fields: Branding, Typography, System Design
Toolkit: Illustrator, Photoshop
Year: 2023
Toolkit: Illustrator, Photoshop
Year: 2023